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Older Woman Having Gyno Exam Done

This older bitch might be pushing 50 but that doesn’t mean she can’t get a gyno exam done if she wanted to, and it’s more important than ever even when you are older. Michelle has seen her fair share of cock in her younger days, so she wants to make certain her Vagina is still in good working order. She heard from all her lady friends that this particular Doctor at the gyno clinic had a very nice way of examining the ladies, thinking it would be nice to be checked over by a hunky Doctor Michelle made her appointment in the afternoon, so he wouldn’t be in a rush and could spend as much time checking her old pussy out as he needed to.

Older Woman Having Gyno Exam Done

The Doctor does his usual exam first he gets her to open her mouth, then it’s time to move onto the more physical examination and for him the most fun one. He lays Michelle down on the exam table and gets her to spread that old vagina of hers open. He is a little surprised it’s actually in really good shape for someone her age, and if she has had as many cocks as she thinks she has. Come and see the full gyno exam movie now click here!!!

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